Bildungstag Rap Workshop mit Nifty MC
Am 8. und 9.11 fand der Bildungstag Flow, Reim und Taktgefühl // Rap-Workshop mit Nifty MC in Magdeburg statt. Über die spannenden Workshoptage schreibt Panagiotis Kompotis unser griechischer START -Create Cultural Change Stipendiat:
In a two days rap workshop led by rapper and dj Nifty MC that took place in Kiezladen on 8th and 9th November, we learned how to ride a beat and write our own rhymes (perfect and slant). We discussed the history of hip-hop as a means of expression and empowerment, especially for those whose voice is not heard, and we talked about the role, influence and responsibility of rappers in todays society. We listened to phat beats and cool rhymes and we wrote our own raps. In the end, we rocked the mike with a political rap we wrote together. That was dope!